Do People Need to Know Hermeneutics?

Introduction Do people need to know hermeneutics? Most people when they are confronted with the word hermeneutics ask, “Who is Herman the nudist?” They get the wrong idea. Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpreting literature. When one wants to interpret...

Is the Bible History?

Introduction Is the Bible history? This question is brought up in debates by believers and unbelievers alike. Peter Enns is one primary example of a person who teaches the Bible is meant to be taken as history, yet, not literal history (Peter Enns “Mutilating...

Is There a Hell?

Introduction Is there a Hell? Some people have a horrible time accepting the Bible’s teaching concerning an eternal place of conscious torment–Hell. Therefore, one should consider their arguments. In one case, some people believe the passages about Hell...

An Argument for “Gay Christianity”?

Introduction An argument for “Gay Christianity?” Just recently, Andrew Rappaport and AMBrewster interviewed Anthony Necerato who claimed to have a case for “gay Christianity.” When Rappaport asked if the Bible condemns homosexuality, Necerato...