Did Paul Know Jesus?

Introduction Did Paul know Jesus? Bill Kluck does not seem to think so. In his debate with Andrew Rappaport, he stated Paul did not seem to know Jesus.[1] Therefore, Kluck claimed Christianity is not true. Also, if Paul did not know Jesus, then the person who wrote a...

Is Christianity True?

Introduction Is Christianity true? The first question to ask is, “What is true?” Andrew Rappaport posted a debate he had with an atheist named Bill at a Christian school. The debate can be seen on Apologetics Live under Debate: Is Christianity True. The...

What is the Christian Response to Hamas?

Introduction What is the Christian response to Hamas? In the Apologetics Live episode Christian Response to Israel and Open Q&A, the hosts answer the challenge to the war between Israel and Hamas. The challenge of this war is the lack of information and the...

An Argument for “Gay Christianity”?

Introduction An argument for “Gay Christianity?” Just recently, Andrew Rappaport and AMBrewster interviewed Anthony Necerato who claimed to have a case for “gay Christianity.” When Rappaport asked if the Bible condemns homosexuality, Necerato...

Mere Christianity Review

Introduction Mere Christianity Review. Love him or hate him, C. S. Lewis is one of the most well known apologists of the 20th century. He is most well known for his children’s books, The Chronicles of Narnia. Yet, his influence on modern apologetics is...