JW’s believe that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was to pay the penalty of Adam’s sin not the sins of all people. Once Adam’s original sin was taken care of it makes the opportunity for all people to be rewarded with eternal life for their faith and good works. ...
James and Korey sit down to discuss the plans for 2018. In doing so, they talk about the episodes that will be releasing for the next six months. Also, expressed is Korey’s disbelief in Flu Shots and how he is on vacation right now in the mountains (Youth Trip). We...
The Second Commandment & Pictures of Jesus | Theology Gals | Episode 39
On this week's episode of Theology Gals, Coleen and Ashley discuss the second commandment and images of Jesus. Â Episode Resources: Exodus 20:4 You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the...
The Work of the Holy Spirit | Theology Gals | Episode 19
 On this episode of Theology Gals while Ashley is in Italy Coleen is joined by Marissa Namirr.  Coleen and Marissa talk about the Holy Spirit's work in our lives and answer some objections to last week's episode  Personal Revelation and God's Will.  ...