Jesus Christ

Jesus wasn’t Unique?

Introduction Jesus wasn’t unique? This is the argument some atheists promote about the Messiah. Bill Kluck espoused this idea in his debate with Andrew Rappaport. While a messiah figure can be seen in some modern movies (like Luke Skywalker in Star Wars), to say Jesus...

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Heresies are in the Chosen

Heresies are in The Chosen tv series, produced by Angel Studios. While a Mormon producer backs up the show, the real danger of this show is in how it introduces the audience to Jesus Christ. Other than potentially breaking the Second Commandment not to make a graven...

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Why is the Incarnation Important?

Introduction When people think of Christmas, they do not often think of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sadly, the most prolific figure they think of is Santa Claus! Because Justin Peters wrote an excellent book on Santa called Santa Pause.[1], we will not be...

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Why Celebrate the Incarnation?

Introduction Is the incarnation important? Every year, millions of Christians celebrate Christmas around December 25. Some people actually celebrate it because of the incarnation. God became a man -that is awesome! However, most people fail to see why that is awesome....

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Is the Study of Christ Important?

Introduction Is the study of Christ important? Some people say we do not need theology we just need Jesus. Yet, when you ask them who Jesus is, they will tell you that He is the second person of the Trinity, the Son of God, who died on the cross for our sin. At this...

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