Matt Slick and I debated at the Utah Christian Research Center in Draper, Utah, on 6/22/2024; the topic was “Are the Charismatic Gifts for Today?” Matt Slick affirms that all the charismatic gifts are available to the church today. Andrew Rappaport denies it. To be...
What is an Elder?
Introduction What is an elder? On the Rapp Report, Andrew Rappaport recently concluded a podcast series on elders, biblical qualifications for an elder, hiring pastors, and encouraging pastors. His goal is to encourage churches to start looking at this role...
Testimony of Anthony Russo
Anthony Russo is the newest member of the Striving for Eternity speaking team. He is available for virtual and in-person events. Learn more about him and the topics he speaks about here. The following is Anthony's testimony. What Was Your Life Like Before Christ?...
Is There a Hell?
Introduction Is there a Hell? Some people have a horrible time accepting the Bible's teaching concerning an eternal place of conscious torment--Hell. Therefore, one should consider their arguments. In one case, some people believe the passages about Hell are not...
A Fresh Look at the Israel-Palestine Conflict with Dr. Michael Brown
In a recent episode of the Rapp Report podcast, we delve into the historical and contemporary complexities of the Israel-Palestine conflict with renowned scholar and theologian, Dr. Michael Brown. Drawing from his personal journey from a conservative Jewish upbringing...
AMBrewster’s Testimony
AMBrewster is the newest member of the Striving for Eternity speaking team. He is available for virtual and in-person events. Learn more about him and the topics on which he speaks here. The following is Aaron's testimony. I made a profession of faith at the age of 5,...
Rapp Report: Age of Accountability
Introduction The following podcast was inspired by a parenting Q&A from the Michiana Reforming Families Conference. Aaron M. Brewster and Anthony Silvestro join Andrew Rappaport to discuss the Age of Accountability. Q&A Q: To all speakers. Is there such a...
A critically important new faith documentary is currently in the final week of its crowdfunding campaign. The film Cessationist will graciously maintain the faithful biblical stance regarding the apostolic sign gifts. Intended to be not merely polemical,...
2023 Israel Trip with Striving for Eternity and CARM
Travel restrictions have been lifted and we are again planning our journey through the biblical sites of Israel, no vaccine is required! Registration is now open, and anyone who signs up before the end of May will receive $100 off the cost of the trip! Don't miss out!...
Was the Ethiopian Eunuch Saved by Baptism? (Norm Fields)
“And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, ‘See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?’” (Acts 8:36, ESV). Introduction This passage is a favorite for people who believe in baptismal regeneration. I would hear...