Encourage Someone Before they Die

Many years ago, when I started doing my Striving for Eternity Academy, the free courses that we offer on YouTube for people to learn theology, an introduction of world religions, how to interpret the Bible, how to disciple someone, we have all these courses out there. And I was struck over many years, the fact that when I would go to funerals, I would hear people say some of the most encouraging things about a person who just passed away. And the thing that always strikes me is how much those people when they were alive, would love to have heard about those things. I started at the end of my shows to try to find one person that we could seek to as a group to encourage each week because I realized, and maybe if you think about it, too, when you've ever been to a funeral, you hear how encouraging people speak of someone. I remember once with a young man who actually took his own life in despair. And person after person after person came up saying what an impact he made on their life. And I realized this young man probably never even knew it. Because people kept that to themselves. I wonder if things would have been different if they encouraged him while he was still alive. And that's what I would like to encourage you to consider to do to encourage others as much as you can while they're still alive. You don't know the impact it may make
Rapp Report Daily 0338

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