What is God’s Will?

Rapp Report Daily 0413
What is God’s Will?
A lot of people seem to think that somehow God has this hidden will that we have to spend our entire life trying to find is if he’s got one plan for everything to work in the universe. Who is the right person for me to marry? Where is the right place for me to work or go to school and is if you choose the wrong thing, you are outside of God’s will well that be a tragic thing when it comes to things like marriage because you cannot change that. Once you choose in other words. There are people who actually think well, I have chosen the wrong wife or husband and I must be outside of God’s will forever. No. What we do see is some passages that talk about God’s will we see Christ teaching his disciples to pray “Your kingdom come Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven”. We see Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane praying for the Father’s will to be done for when it comes to him going to the Cross. We see that in Ephesians chapter one that the purpose and will of God is about salvation. So God does have an overarching will but we have to keep in mind go back to the character and nature and attributes of God.
God is eternal. So He is outside of time. He is omniscient. He knows all things. It is not as if God does not know what you will choose of the choices that you have in front of you and He is Sovereign and even though you make those choices, it is not that it’s outside of his control. God is in control of all things.
How do we choose the will of God? Well, we have the scripture to make the best decisions that are before us.

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